ARCH Stakeholder Survey

Who are our stakeholders?

We are seeking the input of a broad cross-section of the Hawaii Healthcare ecosystem. You are an ARCH stakeholder if you are:

  • a researcher (basic biomedicine, clinical, public health)

  • provider or practitioner

  • healthcare system, hospital or clinic

  • insurer

  • advocacy group

  • community health provider

  • healthcare non-profit

  • cultural health practitioner

  • community health provider or organiztaion

  • patient

  • educator

What is the Survey?

Please help us understand the relationship you and/or your healthcare or community organization currently has with AI, where you would like it to go, and what your needs are to build capacity in this area.

You may complete this survey as an individual, a member of a project team or department, or for your entire organization.

This information will be a first step in co-designing ARCH with your stakeholder input, so that it addresses the real-world, real-time needs of our community.

As the project develops we will coalesce stakeholders using a Collective Impact framework to guide ARCH development.

Take the survey here:

ARCH Survey Dashboard

The ARCH Stakeholder Survey data are presented here: you can hover over graph axes to read the full labels and categories

Current Survey Statistics:

24 respondents across >17organizations, representing over 4000 professionals in Hawaii-Pacific healthcare and health research

Section 1: The organization types and size, location and roles of individuals who responded to the survey

Section 2: The race/ethnicity and age distribution of individuals who responded to the survey

Section 3: We asked respondents about their mission related to health disparities and the populations they and their organization work with

Section 4: We asked responders about their personal and organizational relationships with AI

Section 5: We asked responders about their organization’s use of data types in health disparities work and whether they used AI/ML in this work.

Section 6. We asked responders what types of AI/ML training they would like to see for their organization, and their interest in working more with AIM-AHEAD

Section 7. AI ethics, biases and concerns